My Husband’s Depression, Part V

Today is the first really hot day we’ve had, and I’m forcing myself to stay inside. I’d love to be in the gardens instead, but I’m just not in the mood to deal with this heat. I ventured out this morning long enough to water the plants on the deck, but didn’t linger. Rather than … More My Husband’s Depression, Part V

The Ice Storm

I had a post ready a few days ago about the lovely warm break we were having from the frigid weather. But, waiting to get out and take a photo to go along with it, I didn’t hit the “Post” button. The very next day it started storming, and thunder in winter can only mean one thing … More The Ice Storm

Winter Beauty

As is the case for just about everyone in our country, we’ve been stuck inside due to extremely frigid weather. The two most recent snowfalls refused for over a week now to go anywhere, except to drift from one place to another with each biting gust of wind. Temperatures in the single digits are uncommon for … More Winter Beauty